Monday, September 14, 2015

Parks and Rec

Everybody pants now! Pants, pants, pants, pants, pants!

Drink when/for:

Leslie gives Ann a strange compliment

Tom calls Ben a nerd

April says something creepy (drink two)

Ben mentions Star Wars or Game of Thrones

Burt Maclin is on the case (drink three)

Jerry does something embarrassing

Leslie makes a reference to a female politician

Ron builds something (drink two)

Leslie gets toung tied

Donna mentions her Benz (drink two)

A hilarious guest star (drink four)

Ann says "dude"

Ethel Beavers

Leslie mentions waffles

Greg Pikitis is evil

Leslie mentions her crush on Joe Biden (drink two)

Mark Brandanowitz is sarcastic

A raccoon shows up

Ron says something disparaging about the government

Andy says something incorrect

Ron mentions red meat or whiskey

Jean Ralphio or Mona Lisa is terrible

“You got Jammed” (drink four)

Andy plays guitar

Someone mentions how great Lil’ Sebastian is

April says something awful about Ann (drink two)

Leslie mentions Ben’s butt

Ann has a new boyfriend (drink three)

...and if it’s one the main cast finish your drink

Tammy Two (drink one) or Tammy One (drink two)

Ron mentions his buried gold (drink five)

Shauna hits on somebody

Craig has an outburst

Bobby Newport is confused by something very simple

The cones of dunshire are mentioned (drink four)

Someone mentions something terrible that happened to the Wamapoke (drink three)

The pit is mentioned

And finally whenever Chris says "Literally"

See you next time...

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